由出镜的组织成员和片中资料可以得知,Jane的成员大多是受过良好教育的白人中产阶级女性,略带讽刺的是,这一事实也为成员被捕后的保释提供了便宜。一位Jane组织成员提到:Their reason for having an abortion was their reason. I was not there to pass judgment. 女性似乎总需要预先自证以表明自己确实处于困境,否则就极易招致指责,自己亦难以心安理得。对于所谓的“哲学”问题,Jody的一句话很好地回答了它:Not only was there the need, but there was a philosophical obligation on our part to disrespect a law disrespected women. 提及当年的风卷云涌的zz浪潮时,Marie Leaner说:Here’s an opportunity for me to take a stand in defining who am I as a person, what do I stand for. 于今日依然适用。