




  • 芙拉蕊:
    1.那个早操逗笑我了! 2.菠萝不会吃这个梗真的是太真实了,小时候我在乡下住的时候,有人给我家带火龙果,第一次我就不知道火龙果怎么吃,2333333 3.长大之后的女主啊,颜值忽高忽低,一会儿像个大妈,一会儿像个少女! 4.女性视角没有任何代入感,另外我对于女主从小到大的故事也并不感兴趣!女主经历过的事情对我而言更加没有回忆感,整个电影就前面二十分钟对我而言有意思。
  • 安安Answers:
    近年来看过最好的舞台剧 - 纽约百老汇2021
  • TD呆呆:
  • 无敌神铁锅:
    The very first modern western movie, and the model for all of those to come. The elements of narration and filmography that it sets hold steady until now and probably for still a long time - see Tarantino's hateful eight for their confirmation. Most of the ideas on it are simple, but it takes a master to put the ingredients all in place and to cook something this delicious. Without any obvious main character, but rather a complex mix of persona, each cristallizing a class or a segment of society. This a Western movie to be sure, with all the parts that make up the mechanics, but it is above all a satire. One that is politically engaged too, especially in regards to the banker role.
  • 88年d叔: