1两个直男的选择:一夜成名钱花光,意大利种马转战广告业未果,又被屠宰场裁员,妻子待产,拳王挑衅,被迫再次打比赛眼睛却不如从前。阿波罗本来可以赢,但他选择了最难的那条路必须打倒对手所以他才输了。2There is one thing I want you to do for me.——Win.,3一堆小盆友陪跑。4OST真好,love了Eye Of The Tiger。
14岁的Scarlett Johansson演技已经如此自然成熟 甩国内年轻女演员n条街 // 伴着a soft place to fall的那支慢舞两个人深情温柔至极 // Knowing is the easy part; saying it out loud is the hard part. // It must be great to be in that point in life when you have no more guesswork, no more impossible decisions to make. Anyway it doesn't matter because all the worries and all the wrong turns that you made are as valuable and as cherished as the things that you did right. -- I don't think you have to wait to be her age to find that kind of peace.