全方位的差,镜头语言充满着导演自己都不知所谓作秀,不停切换的盲人与正常视角看的眼晕,故事根本没有逻辑,男女主都作死,女主更作一点。关于婚姻爱情的探讨毛都没沾到,女主看着台下唱着“all i see is you”时不觉得羞愧么?男主居然还为了她自杀。最后信里狗与女主的双关是唯一有趣的地方。
I love Ricky Gervais’s dark, sometimes sick, sense of humor, they hit so close to home. But the ending and the lack of examination of any kind on structural obstacles toward mental well being is disappointing, to say the least. This is after all just a temporary crisis, specifically, a cishet middle class white male’s temporary crisis.