"Good or bad, it's all playing acting. If you play well, you fool the others. If you play badly, you can only fool yourself. If you can't even fool yourself, you can fool the ghosts." "People breathe, ghosts cannot. That's the only difference. People are ghosts, and ghosts are people."...「也沒什麼好哭的,活著受苦,死了倒乾淨。死了比活著好。」片尾好些個日本協力ね!
比利比长得像海默什么(short turn for ugly)的那位小朋友好看多了,可是沙赞很丑啊!DC movie首席屌丝了吧。当雷神小弟的时候明明挺帅的。说明黑发就是比金发丑!故事很难看,被朋友吐槽没品位了(ಥ_ಥ)我很无辜